• Welcome to Amiqha Consultancy Agency
  • (+603) 6143 4226
  • admin@amiqhaconsultancy.com

About Us


Welcome To Our Consulting Agency

Amiqha Consultancy is a marketing and consultation company which tagged with a number of leading banks and credit cooperatives that provides Consulation in Financial, Property and System Management for government and private sector. With the support of our marketing friends who have always been the backbone of our company, we strive to deliver the best services in Malaysia. We look forward to be your marketing partners, come and join us!

  • Financial planning, Personal Loan
  • Investment advisor
  • Debt management
  • CCRIS & CTOS checking


Our goal is to become a company that can makes significant contributions to the community and nation in Financial and Consultation.


  • To provide opportunities for the community out there to join us to improve their quality of life.
  • We aim to make the country's youth more competitive and self-reliant in developing the economy for themselves and the country.
  • We aspire to be a company that is always aware of the needs of the market and its customers.